Ravensbourne College, Bromley Common, 1965

Ravensbourne College, Bromley Common, 1965


The College was originally built in 1965 as a technical college on the site of the Rookery, the 18th century home of the Norman family which had been burnt out while in military occupation in 1946. It was extended in the early 1960s to accom-modate Bromley College of Art, renamed Ravensbourne after the nearby river at the time of the move.

Increasing demand for further education, coupled by an inability to expand into what was by then greenbelt land, resulted in the art section moving again to another building in Chislehurst in the mid 1970s.

For a while simply a technical college again it is now the Rookery Lane site of Bromley College.

Copyright: Topham Picture Source.

See historic maps of Bromley Common